“City of the Sun,” the debut studio release by HELIOPOLIS, will be released on the 10T Records label on September 2, 2014, with a retail street date of September 16, 2014.
Formed in Los Angeles in the summer of 2012, Heliopolis set out determined to celebrate the uplifting power of music. They began writing their debut album, “City of the Sun,” while simultaneously undertaking a string of acclaimed live performances where the band proved their viability and commitment to excellence onstage, wowing audiences with their energy, intensity, musicianship and songwriting.
Comprised of former members of acclaimed progressive rock acts Mars Hollow, Rocket Scientists, Ten Jinn, and Genesis tribute Gabble Ratchet, Heliopolis features veteran musicians Jerry Beller (drums and vocals), Matt Brown (keyboards and vocals), Kerry Chicoine (bass and vocals), Mike Matier (guitars), and Scott Jones (vocals). Together they form a forward-thinking musical collective on a mission to deliver the very best in contemporary progressive rock music paired with an ultimately optimistic message.
“City of the Sun” by Heliopolis is now available to preview in its entirety exclusively on the Heliopolis artist page on the 10T Records website.