Playlist 26-01-2014

Playlist SymfoZone #557: 26-01-2014

21.00-22.00 Regular show

  1. Cubixstro – Maschine (Rubidium)
  2. Princesse Perdue – Camel (The Snow Goose – rerecorded)
  3. Framed – Saga (Spin It Again, Live In Munich)
  4. Into The Blue: I. Overture II. The Dreamer and The Healer – Transatlantic (Kaleidoscope)
  5. The Greatest Show On Earth – Airbag (The Greatest Show On Earth)
  6. The Trumpeter – Palefeather (Palefeather)
  7. Twin Of Ares – Little Atlas (Automatic Day)


22.00-23.00: Theme ‘Overtures’

  1. 1984 Overture – Rick Wakeman (1984)
  2. The Journey Begins (Avalon Overture) – The Minstrel’s Ghost (The Road To Avalon)
  3. 2112 Overture ( Live 1981) – Rush (2112 Deluxe)
  4. Testimony – Overture 1-4 – Neal Morse (Testimony)
  5.  Overture pt. 1 & 2 – Affector (Harmagedon)
  6. On A Dark And Stormy Night: Overture – Shadow Circus (On A Dark & Stormy Night)
  7. Overture – Caamora (She)